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  • Jr High Youth Group (6th - 8th)

    During the school year, we meet on Wednesdays at 5:00-6:15, with supper at 6:00. 

    We also have special events, outings, games and teaching throughout the year. 

  • Sr High Youth Group (9th-12th)

    During the school year, we meet on Wednesdays at 7:00-8:30.

    We also have special events, outings, games and teaching throughout the year.

    We are planning a mission trip during the summer of 2025.

  • Confirmation

    Our Confirmation program begins in Baptism, but enters a time of special focus in 7-8th grades with classes with the pastor. The students will review the Bible and Catechism, and take part special service projects, sermon notes, and fellowship events. 

    We have Confirmation Sunday on Reformation Sunday (last Sunday in October), where they are recognized during a worship service, share their personal Bible verse, faith statements, and take part in the rite of Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation). 

  • Bible Camp

    Ingham-Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp has been a valued partner in ministry for many decades. We celebrate 'our' Lutheran Bible Camps because over the years they have consistently kept the main thing, the main thing: Jesus. St Paul's is committed to our youth and our camp, and aims to send all youth of our congregation to camp, fully paid for by the congregation.  Our camp committee organizes fundraisers to sustain funding for 'camperships.' Youth and parents must participate somehow in these fundraisers in order to get a campership. Families sign an agreement to repay the camp committee if their daughter or son signs up for camp but doesn't attend.